Friday, December 01, 2006

sleeping in the pouring rain

This morning I didn't want to get out of bed. My sheets are freshly washed and so welcoming, and even though it was 7:30am, the sky outtside was still dark. Not a good sign.

Yesterday morning the temperature was 15 degrees. Celsius. By yesterday at around 4pm, the temperature had dropped to 4 degrees! And now for the next week straight forecasts call for -2 and snow/rain constantly. And wind. Lots of wind. Which doesn't make it real easy to protect yourself from the freezing rain with an umbrella! This morning I was soaked from the knees down by the time I got to ICS-- and I was on transit for most of the trip. But it's really not so bad. I could be biking (like many of my fellow ICS students).

My mom is coming tomorrow and we're going to the One of a Kind craft show at Exhibition Place. Hooray for being within easy driving distance from my parents!

I'm listening to the Falalattes new Christmas cd right now. Fabulous! Kudos, Marcus and Dan. Thank you for continuing a great tradtion!

I'm going through one of those times where I question the point of being a student. I feel as though all I do is read, read, read, (and now I have to write, write, write four term papers), and I feel like I'm not doing anyone else any good. It feels like a selfish existence, really--I like school, I like to study (in most of my classes...), so I spend time and money on my own desires. I know I'm preparing for a career someday, and that I am in an "office" as a student, too... Sometimes I just have a hard time feeling like I'm fulfilling any sort of vocation, in my life right now, reading all day.


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