Wednesday, June 21, 2006

drive thru

tips for keeping drive-thru workers happy:

-speak loudly and clearly.
-only let one person in the car talk at a time. it is not, i repeat NOT helpful for 4 people to be shouting what they want all at once.
-if you have a loud, rumbling disel truck, turn it off when you order. we can't hear you over your macho truck.
-be patient. if you ordered four sandwhiches and 6 triple triples and 2 bagels toasted, one with cream cheese and one with butter and peanut butter (grrr) and a dozen donuts, you will have to wait. if you want to keep the drive-thru workers really happy, go into the store and order when you have a massive order!!! people like you hold up the entire line and we get in trouble for not moving through people fast enough.
-be nice. tip once in a while. say, 'keep the change'. joke around. say thank you. it means a lot.

as you may have guessed, i've been working drive-thru at tim horton's for a while now. i like it. usually. today was stressful because we were short-staffed.

i got home from work and the phone rang. i answered it. 'good afternoon, tim horton's, may i take your order?'

oh dear.


At Wednesday, June 21, 2006 9:29:00 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

Hooray for a college degree which enables you to have wonderful customer service skills! I'm struggling with some customer service myself at the moment. I mean, honestly, is the customer really always right? That's not even Christian!

At Wednesday, June 28, 2006 12:47:00 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

oh, sara,
I understand completely. Drive-thru can be fun, but there are so many stupid people in the world. My drive-thru pet peeves:
big diesel trucks,
people who try to order with the window partially closed,
screaming children,
and cell phones.
I understand the frustration - keep up the good work, I'm sure everyone enjoys having you there.


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