market goodness
I love the market.
I love it.
I love meeting the people who are tending and harvesting the deliciousness that I purchase.
I love fresh blueberries, grown nearby.
I love getting cheese from the people who age it, and eggs from the chicken farmers.
I don't really have anything else to say, except to recommend that you all find a farmers' market in your area, if there is one, and check it out some weekend. I know the "eat local" thing is a bit of a fad right now (at least it is in Canada), but really, this is one fad worth following.
Speaking of fads, I have been urged repeatedly by almost everyone I know to join Facebook. Well, today as I was walking back from the market I was stuck behind three women, two daughters and a mother, and the daughters looked about in their early thirties. For the entire 10 minutes that I was walking behind them, the daughters were talking about Facebook. "Oh my gosh, I invited him to be my friend last week and he hasn't responded! Do you think he rejected me??" "Did you see those pictures of so and so with her?" "I set up dad's account for him, and he still can't figure out how to use it." And the mom just walked along, looking like she felt ignored and out of the loop.
This seemed to me like a good reason to continue to postpone joining. It seems to take over people's lives! Is it worth it?
I'm pretty sure I'll give in eventually.
YAY for eating local! although it is difficult to do, i will admit....
i still don't know what i think about facebook. it's cool to reconnect with old friends, but strangely addicting and very creepy all in one. (many times people come up to me and say "i saw that picture of you doing such-and-such this past weekend!" and i will have no idea how they saw the picture or even who posted it...)
Ironically, the farmer's market near us (in farm country) has nothing grown within 100 miles. Ahh, the joys of large single crop farms!
How can it be a FARMER's market, then?? Whose produce are they selling??
there are farmers everywhere! They come in from Michigan, Wisconsin, wherever. I'll scope it out this week, if I can.
say no to facebook.
blogs suffice, and i think (at least among those i read) have substance and thought behind them instead of tossed-out comments about nothing.
but that's just one person's feelings about it.
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