Sunday, May 13, 2007

subway inspiration

So the other day I was in and out of the subway a few times while doing errands. The weather was very warm--one of the hottest days of the year so far, and humid too--and it suddenly occurred to me: Why don't we all live underground? In the summer, it's so much cooler underground, both in my basement apartment and on the subway. In the winter the ground acts as insulation and contains the heat of my cozy basement apartment with amazing efficiency. Then we could expend less fossil fuel heating and cooling! It's the future of ecologically friendly living.

Oh yeah, except we'd all have to be ok living in homes with no natural light. EEEeeek.


At Monday, May 14, 2007 5:25:00 PM, Blogger Andrea said...

I lived in the basement duplex one year--and I suffered from the lack of natural light. So I veto your suggestion. = )

My mom didn't graduate--she's staff, so she gets to wear the funny robe. She IS graduating from grad school this December, however! How's your life going? Done with your first year yet?

At Monday, May 14, 2007 8:54:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHAHA. Sara, you make me laugh so much! What are you thinking!? lol. So much for enjoying the outdoors and the beauty of God's creation. :) I know that is not what you meant at all, but it is still really funny. Good ideas....... keep thinking. Let's get together and be friends. Love ya

At Wednesday, May 16, 2007 2:33:00 AM, Blogger Dane said...

when i was in italy we stayed at a house where they lived upstairs in the winter and downstairs in the summer to make use of the whole hot air rises, cold air drops principle. And also there are earth homes already!

At Wednesday, May 16, 2007 9:26:00 AM, Blogger Mud On His Shoes said...

living underground sucks
but I appreciate the creative thinking

At Wednesday, May 16, 2007 9:59:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

( I got my dress at SmartSet in Guelph... there are some other cute ones at Dynamite too... I got another one there recently too :S)

At Friday, May 18, 2007 4:54:00 PM, Blogger ann renee. said...

Sara, I am not a mole. The closest to living underground that I'll get is your basement apartment with the big windows!
I'm in Toronto next Friday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And probably to stay. And we can mourn about not buying a house and feeling behind on life together. At least you are in grad school. I'm even 2 years behind on that!
PS I didn't find Boundaries OR Kite Runner at home....I might be asking you out on a cofee date, in hopes of softening your heart to lending it to me! peace!


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