sigh...sort of
So the LSAT went better than I expected it to, especially considering I got almost no sleep the night before and was struggling with a cold and blowing my nose all throughout the test. It's out of my hands now--I should find out about my score in about 3 weeks. I feel at peace about it. I am so grateful for all of you who prayed for me, thought of me, or just generally were wonderful in the weeks and days leading up to the LSAT. I was so uplifted and encouraged by you, and feel truly blessed.
However, my body decided that since I no longer had the stress of the upcoming LSAT, it would abandon health for the time being. I have a cold or something--sore throat, I sound like a man, my head's all stuffy and my throat try, and worst of all, my head feels like it is seriously going to EXPLODE at any moment. Any home remedies, anyone??
I'm going to go sit over a steaming pot with a towel over my head now.
i'll pray for your results!!! i'm sure you blow em away. concerning your last blog...i would just like to proudly say that i was one of those cyclists when i lived in chicago. some days i biked over 30 miles just going to and from work, to my naturopath, to my sister's place, to the chiropractor, everywhere else i might possibly need to go. it's one of the things i miss most about living there. there's just something SO invigorating about whizzing past cars and busses stopped at street lights and dodging in and out of fans walking to the cubs games and speeding along the lake front at night with all the city lights. ah, i could go on forever...
Two thoughts:
First, is this wait driving you as crazy as it is me? I'm pretty confident (even though I ran out of time in the games section, which hadn't happened since my first practice test), but I'll be climbing the walls for the next 2 1/2 weeks. Joya will finally get some peace on the 22nd.
Second, Chicago bike people drive me NUTS. I have no problem with biking, in fact I enjoy it. Certainly, I don't begrudge anyone their mode of transportation. But legally, bikes are vehicles. Bikers here in town seem to think of themselves as hybrid cars/pedestrians, taking the right of way when somebody is walking across the street, riding on sidewalks, and yes, running red lights and stoplights in front of moving traffic. It's not everybody, of course, but the peopl who ride like that are a danger to themselves as well as my windshield. Here endeth the rant.
I dig catharsis.
Um, yeah, I meant red lights and stop signs.
But my point still stands.
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