Thursday, December 21, 2006


I have this routine.

When I get tired of working on whichever paper is most pressing at the moment,* I have a routine.

First I check my gmail account to see if anyone's written. Usually, it's just amazon trying to tell me that I'm missing out on the best deal ever.

Next I check my school e-mail account to see if anything exciting is going on. Usually, the new e-mails are from a professor sending a mass e-mail about an upcoming conference that I'm far too confused about to be interested in.

Finally, I check my blog to see if anyone's commented. If not, I click down the (very long, as you can see) list of friends' blogs to see if anyone has updated.

Perhaps this is an explanation to any of you who wonder why I always manage to comment on your latest post within hours of you posting it.

Yup. This is why.

I think I may have a problem.

*Actually, this routine is not limited to relief from boredom while paper writing. I do this every morning when I turn on my computer, every night before I go to bed, when I get home from school, when I get to work. Basically, whenever I'm bored or I feel the alone-ness in my apartment, I go seeking connection through the computer screen. As I write this, I realize how very pitiful that sounds.


At Friday, December 22, 2006 5:32:00 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

If that's sad, there's a lot of people in that boat with you. I don't even bother closing my browser most of the time, keeping gmail open 24/7.

And in Chicago when most of my friends are around in the evening but there's no one around during the day, I guess the screen becomes an important 'friend'.

But I hope a bring a little joy to your life by leaving this comment.

At Saturday, December 23, 2006 8:21:00 AM, Blogger Kunnari said...

don't diss my life


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