Sunday, October 01, 2006


Ok, so I was a little too depressed in that last post. But I meant it at the time!!

I went and talked to my mentor about the philosophy of art class that is kicking my butt. He's one of the two profs that co-teaches it. He basically said, don't worry, all first year students feel like they're drowning at first. What made me feel even better was that he said that he found chapter 6 (the one I completely gave up on) to be the most difficult. He also said that I don't need to understand everything I read. Hallelujah! And, I can't drop the class because I need it to complete my program of study. So stick with it I will...

I made one phone call and talked to four wonderful people on the phone tonight. You know who you are. Thank you for cheering me up and reminding me that I'm not as alone as I think I am, here in my empty apartment away from the Dordt community. I thoroughly enjoyed hearing all about your lives!!

Yesterday I had a conversation with a friend (a second year MA student) from ICS about marriage. He believes that there's nothing in the Bible that forbids open marriages or multiple person marriages, ie, 5 people in a lifelong committment with each other. I was blown away. I guess this is what people warned me about--radical theological views at ICS! But he's a great guy, and I'm sure we'll talk (and probably disagree) about more interesting theological issues in the future.


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